Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Potato Torte!

So the scripture reading is going good and I'm actually enjoying it, not that I don't always enjoy reading the scriptures but this time it seems easier. I got my food storage binder started and I'm working on the being patient part, I have an idea for this I found on another blog that I'm going to try I'll let you know how it goes!

Another one of my goals for this year is to try at least one new recipe a week. My recipe binder is exploding with recipes I have torn out of magazines that I would someday try well that day has come!!

Hayden has been begging me to make the potato torte that Melissa D'Arabien made on food network ( he watched that show with me) and so yesterday was the day.

The potato torte has a homemade pie crust, I have never done that before, but it was pretty easy and turned out great! Everyone loved it especially Hayden I think he had 3 pieces!!

Fresh out of the oven. Isn't that Beautiful!!
We had the potato torte with brisket and spinach salad!

No Leftovers!!

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